Saturday, March 31, 2007

giving paris one more chance

Ah, departure. Tomorrow I fly back to the states, and accordingly I find myself craving good indian food and better chinese than I can get here. My last few days have seen some good meals - the pleasures of a falafal sandwich grilled for me on the spot at a market, another great meal at the cantonese restaurant down the block from me, and several new cheeses that I don't quite have time to detail here. Let's just say that import laws don't allow them into the US. I've been drinking mostly burgundies, and did have one very nice tapas meal at a friend's house, featuring puerto rican fried plaintain slices and a chicken stew. I'm nervous about travel chiefly because my bags were lost on the way into Paris, and because one of them contains a bottle of very excellent banyul dessert wine.

The most pleasant thing to think about seems like foods I'd like to eat on the next trip. First and foremost, more crepes. I really didn't seek out the best crepe places in Paris, largely because it was winter during this trip and the pleasures of street foods were accordingly well, less pleasurable. Then, a trip or two to dairies outside paris, and perhaps down to the Loire for wine. My stay was so Paris-focused that I didn't explore regional foods - except insofar as the Ile-de-France does have a few distinctive cheeses - or travel outside the area much. So here's to returning soon. As it's said in that old New Yorker cartoon, while you're up, could you get me a grant?

Friday, March 16, 2007

The Georgian Cantonese

Since the last post there's been too much eating for easy summary. Shannon took off for the US, my mother arrived, and in the same week I ate with each of them at the Cave la Bourgogne, currently my favorite cafe-restaurant, at the base of the scenic rue moufftard here on the left bank. The kitchen is not an ambitious one - Andouilette, omelettes, plates of charcuterie, salads - but extremely competent. The real pleasures there are of the cave - i.e., vin - and of the ambiance. Its a slightly dark, wood-lined interior space lit in red and yellow tones, and manages to feel lively without being too noisy to hear those around you. And the chevre toast that tops the salade complet, is just great.

Also notable, was the Restaurant Priosmani - one of Paris' few Georgian restaurants - where we had dumplings stuffed with sour cherries, chicken in an almond sauce, and lamb in tarragon. While I wasn't blown away, the experience of eating Georgian food was worthwhile, and the combinations of spices were quite unfamiliar and hence, pleasant. And Tat Ming, a cantonese restaurant off of the largely Asian rue Tolbiac, near my apartment, was just great. I consider their yushiang eggplant, chili fried squid and shrimp shiu mai to be the equal of most places I go in san francisco, and that's hard for a chinese restaurant stuck so far inland, in a city where most people don't like spice.

The best discovery though, was that there's an excellent restaurant, "Au temps du cerises" around the corner from my apartment, serving French workers' cuisine - nothing fancy, but ample portions of meat, beans, bread, wine, and some interesting items like a pear smothered in soft melted cheese. Their wine list is good, the atmosphere very friendly, and the posters and art on the walls conjure Brechtian visions of art as the hammer smashing capitalist reality. Its very bourgeois to treat Marxism as a digestif, but for some of us, its a digestif that works well.

until next time - hopefully soon!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

London Part II

Getting back to the London trip, our visit to Borough Market deserves a write up. This covered market is so well known not only in London but in the food world in general that it hardly needs a basic description, but here goes: green tin roofs and tarps, light slanting in from above on over a hundred stalls selling everything from hawaiian and french sea salt to parts of pigs and goats we don't usually sell at american farmers markets. The crowds are intense: there are many spots, where a queue for sausage come up against a thoroughfare, where you can't actually move forward, and where it would be impossible to fall over. For me, the star of the show at Borough is Monmouth Coffee.

These guys are serious coffee importers, roasters and retailers, who sell beans (never ground) or grind and brew coffee for you on the spot in the store. Their outfit has few places to sit: low wooden tables, with pieces of baguette and pots of jam on them. They sell some pastries, but the real focus is the coffee itself. What's interesting about it is that Britain has not generally joined the artisinal coffee roasting movement (and as I've observed, neither has France) so its nice to see these guys putting in such an effort. The guatamalan we had was fantastic, and I almost didn't mind spending $12 on three cups.

But, back to Paris. We had our first experience with a vegetarian Chinese, Tien Hiang, which generally pleased me. They're still not on the same page as vegetarian asian places in the states - too much of a focus on replacing meat with soy protein, rather than abandoning the 8 ounces of protein per dish rule altogether, which would be more culinarily and nutritionally sound. I enjoyed the veg turnip cake, the bun bi - vietnamese noodles with spring roll bits thrown it - and a seaweed salad.

More soon - we're headed back to Angelina tomorrow morning so that Shannon can try the hot chocolate.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

the continued travels

After a too-long absence I'm returning to my blog. I realize that, by the blogosphere's standards, my last post was about 2000 years ago; just one of the hazards of using today's technology with an attitude better suited to the last decade.

During a recent weekend trip to London I was steered, by wise friends, to some of the best food I've had during this trip to Europe. The irony of leaving France to find better food in England is amusing but really only part of the story: I was traveling with my vegetarian girlfriend, and it really is much easier for vegetarians to find something good to eat in london than in Paris. The French are stuck in the 70s when it comes to vegetarian food: think pastel-painted, flower-hung rooms, dishes that replace the boring 8 ounces of meat with 8 ounces of soy replacement, and an approach to vegetables that seems based on the principle that they taste better when barely cooked. London, on the other hand, has The Place Below, a vegetarian lunch counter in the Norman crypt below St. Mary-Le-Bow church, which makes amazing soups and delicious baked grain dishes, and whose chefs are confident enough in the potentials of vegetarian food that they don't need to base the entire meal around the "absence of meat." We also at at a terrific south indian veg on Drummond St., a solid meal that was actually eclipsed by the even more terrific Anbala, the best Indian sweets shop I've ever been to... I can't recommend it enough. No visit to London will be complete, from here on out, without a trip there. The gulab jamun blew the lid off of my puny taste puds with its honeyed goodness.

Our big (and expensive) meal of the trip was at Moro, a Spanish restaurant near Islington, Northish within London, a big, friendly and noisy room. The menu is innovative but stays within the basic parameters laid out by Spanish tapas: wines and ports (including a nice manzanilla I found just sweet enough), plates of sliced tuna in olive oil, tender meat dishes. I had a slow cooked pork chop with pieces of bacon garnishing it, sides of cooked turnips with a little fig compote. Dessert was a cheese plate, idizibal and two other cheeses, sheep-based as most Spanish cheeses are. I was completely satisfied, and had that feeling which is pleasant once a month or so, of leaving a restaurant with my ability to walk diminished.

Back in Paris, I've been discovering the Asian restaurants of Rue Tolbiac, in my neighborhood, largely Chinese and Vietnamese. Steamed buns and "nem," which basically means rolls or buns, are a mainstay of the places here, and I really enjoy strolling along, very unfrench, while munching on something.

Must run - work calls - Ben